Photography Blog

BrOther by AndroTechne at the Menier Gallery

BrOther by AndroTechne at the Menier Gallery

Engaging and provocative exhibition called BrOther by the collective of artists known as AndroTechne. Their regular meetings and collaborative working is showing fruit in the increased intensity of this exhibition compared to their show back in the summer. The Menier is a larger gallery, these are all new pieces and some are the results of forays in to other media.

Read more: BrOther by AndroTechne

West pier and beach photo exhbition - Brighton Photo Biennial 2018

Library Square - Brighton Photo Biennial 2018

Brighton’s every-other-year photographic events and curated, free, display of photographs is back this October. Curator Shoair Mavlian’s theme, A New Europe, is topical and encompassing.

Read more: Brighton Photo Biennial 2018 - A New Europe

Penwith gallery, St. Ives

Tate St Ives

Not the Tate, nor the Porthminster, the Penwith Gallery has more of the air of the original St Ives artists movement who established their own styles of abstraction in workshops along Porthmeor beach under the name of the Penwith Society of Arts.

Read more: Penwith gallery, St. Ives

The Shadow of a Shadow at The Old Brompton Gallery

That Shadow of a Shadow at The Old Brompton Gallery
The artists’ collective Male Intensive Enquiry Unit (Male IEU) present work drawn from life for their inaugural exhibition.
I enjoyed this exhibition, the freshness of the artists’ various views was striking, the media modern and the diversity of scale of work exercised the eye, from Ali Zaidi’s intimate miniatures “Receive”, “Consent” and “Give”, to Graeme Messer’s life-size work “I’m here” which dominated the gallery space and in front of which he gave a live performance in matching grey hoodie and trackies. In some way the easiest work to approach - making the connection between Leonardo da Vinci’s “L’Uomo Vitruviano” (c. 1490) and a crucifixion - his performance emphasised (paradoxically) the humility of the artist in front of his own portrait, ie the shadow of the shadow.

Read more: That Shadow of a Shadow - Male IEU

UCL Space week in the Wilkins Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre

Should there be a poet in the Lunar Village, why are there so many exoplanets and why are they so diverse? Intriguing questions discussed at UCL’s first session of its Space Week; also how to distinguish between useful technology actively disposing of debris in space or identical technology being used in a hostile way to disable satellites.

Read more: UCL Space Week