Dale Chihuly - Sapphire Star (2010)
Dale Chihuly’s glass artworks again grace Kew Gardens amidst the traditional sedate architecture and the newly-restored dragons on the Great Pagoda of 1762
Jonathan Armour and Robert Taylor presenting Fugita, their collaboration resulting in a series of large works on paper exploring the complex dynamic of living in a mature yearning body.
Fugita is the exhibition of the work of Jonathan Armour’s and Robert Taylor’s collaboration; these life-sized images of a “mature yearning body” are presented on large sheets of art paper hung around the pillars of the chapel of Brompton Cemetery.
Jon’s practice has often included images made by applying pigments to the body of his model, then transferring this to the media in various ways. His sessions with Robert sound to have been messy fun and this energy comes through in the images. The collaboration must have been a particular fun for Robert, an accomplished portrait photographer, to make such effective images without the apparatus of professional photography.
The artist Name Surname at the RCA Show 2019
Visiting the RCA Show 2019 and talking with some of the newly graduated artists. It’s been hard work but they seem to have a lot of fun along the way.
GPN London’s meeting tonight at the Camera Club, Kennington, London; a well-attended meeting of this diverse and welcoming group. Camera-stitched panoramic photo of the discussion about contributions on tonight’s subject, “Fashion faux-pas”. Some of the contributed images can be seen on the netting and the screen.
GPN ‘Looking the Other Way’
The annual exhibition of the Gay Photographers Network
Art to Wildlife; large-format high-gloss photography to intense abstraction, GPN’s exhibition showcases the huge diversity of talent in this group. 30 photographers are exhibiting this year. GPN’s show is part of Photomonth, the East London Photography Festival.