Deckchairs on the Plage de Cabbé

Dalek Battle Cruiser and Beached Whale at the Monaco Yacht show 2017

Summer’s over, the last hike of our holiday, the cliff and beach path to Monte-Carlo with a picnic watching some of the comings and goings to the ostentatious naval architecture on show at the Monaco Yacht show 2017. Presumably the short visits by the tender boats are by prospective clients.

Sentier des douaniers - La promenade Le Corbusier

As well as the expected brilliant white yachts, there are some sleek grey and black boats; we saw two which reminded us of Dalek Battle Cruiser and Beached Whale. The footpath is renamed the La promenade Le Corbusier, in honour of the “Little Cabanon” which Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, the French architect known for his brutalist concrete urban constructions, built in this pretty bay. Whilst it’s by no means my most ruffie-tuffie hike this year and this route is quite a challenge in the full heat of summer sunshine, the age and state of health of some of the other walkers can be gauged by the signs every 250m. which remind of the emergency numbers for assistance... The deck chairs on the Plage de Cabbé are private and therefore ruinous to sit in... if you need to ask the price it’s too much.