Red squirrel on the lower slopes of Blencathra

Borrowdale from the lower slopes of Blencathra

Day trip out from London to hike along the lower slopes of Blencathra, Lonscale Fell and Skiddaw in The Lake District. A rare close encounter with a red squirrel, as startled by me as I was by this enchanting sight.

Brundholme, Blencathra

St John's Vale, Cumbria

Blease Farm, Cumbria

Lonscale Fell, The Lake District, Cumbria

Keswick and Derwent Water, The Lake District, Cumbria

Blease Gill waterfall, The Lake District, Cumbria

Day trip out from London for a hike along the lower slopes of Blencathra, Lonscale Fell and Skiddaw in The Lake District. A rare close encounter with a red squirrel, as startled by me as I was by this enchanting sight.
“Contemporary Landscape Photography”
A group of photos all of which feature human intervention in the landscape. Striking shapes with the sunlight and clouds along with the landscape. Engaging contrasts in textures, colours and shapes.
The mobile phone masts and electricity pylons are necessary for contemporary lifestyles so why not feature them in photographs, in the same way as classic Flemish and Dutch painters featured in their landscape paintings the then symbols of new technology, such as windmills.