hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

Hedges in my garden in Keswick turn out to be like grass anywhere else, they all need a trim at least once a month plus a major cut twice a year to stop the spiky look. Otherwise I loose my views of the fells beyond. Much easier with power cutters than by hand, even so it’s a lot of work to maintain the illusion of the garden merging with the countryside. The shredder’s essential as well: I distribute the chippings around the garden, it breaks down surprisingly quickly in Cumbria’s cloud forest climate to a mulch that drives more growth.
The Long-tailed Tit visitors are new ones for me, lovely little balls of fluff at the moment. Turns out I’ve been growing nettles to head height as well!

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick

hedge trimming in my garden in Keswick