Palais Longchamps, Marseille

Palais Longchamps, Marseille

Crystal clear day thanks to the Mistral, the autumn light showing Marseille’s Palais Longchamps to great effect. A plentiful flow of water through the cascades, though the lower fountains weren’t running. The stone comes from upstream at Calissanne (near the A7 péage of Lançon) with the figure of Durance surrounded by Cérès et Pomone at the centre of an allegorical ensemble. Historically, Palais Longchamps, the château d’eau, was the end point for the Canal de Provence which first brought plentiful drinking water to Marseille from the Alps in 1849, following a terrible cholera epidemic and droughts in the 1830s.

Palais Longchamps, Marseille

Palais Longchamps, Marseille

Palais Longchamps, Marseille

Palais Longchamps, Marseille