Rorschach type patterns - 6


Rorschach type patterns - 2


Rorschach test type patterns - see in them what you will

Rorschach type patterns - 1


Rorschach type patterns - 4 style=


Rorschach type patterns - 3


Rorschach type patterns - 5


Images reminiscent of the ink-blot patterns the psychologists sometimes use (“Rorschach tests”) or maybe geological photos or biological specimens. As it happens, these images are from the pond liner we’ve extracted from an old pond; the silt has built up at the bottom of the pond and started to consolidate to become mudstone.
They’re like Rorschach test patterns because they are made by folding and it’s up to you to decide what you see in them.

All these photos made with the same focal length lens, 70mm equivalent