Not the South Downs and not East Kent either. Nor Belgium: Cuges-les-Pins to Gémenos, Provence - July 2014

 Postcard of my photos of a hike from Cuges-les-Pins to Gemenos, Provence - July 2014

The Calanques that I wanted to hike are shut due to fire risk. Entirely reasonable but a disappointment. So I spent ages online yesterday sussing buses for an alternative. The big advantage of buses is that you don't have to do a circle walk. In this case that's enabled me to walk over a medium sized hill from one valley to another. Cuges les Pins to Gémenos; 400m up and 400m down with a ridge walk along the cusp of the col that I passed over. That was walking through a herb garden of rosemary, thyme and lemon balm at the edge of Mont Ste. Baume.

Cicadas everywhere as a constant background chime, louder than even the gusty wind. Lower down, the cicadas were joined by the chirps of individual crickets. No water high up so not a good place for overnight camping though it would be a good place to view the sunrise and the stars.

I think this and the Calanques are pretty much how Corsica is, but without the Corsican bandits and with the convenience of a bus ride home

There was a convenient bar near the bus stop which served a suitable cold "pression" Amstel beer whilst the bus arrived.

Quieter day tomorrow and also not to overdo the sun thing.