Map reading under an English Oak tree

Mell Fell, Cumbria
Mell Fell

Sunny Sunday morning in Cumbria.
Fill up with high octane petrol, what shortage?
Ride on to Ullswater, passing a farm training quad bikers.
Then a boathouse launching kayakers.
Check map under a sprawling oak.
Ride on to Lowther Castle, that William Wordsworth called a majestic Pile.
Passing Penrith, ride up racy Hartside, more bikers than cars.
The summit cafe is shut. Where now, we chat?
We find them: Keswick Filling Station is busy.

Rookin House, Cumbria
Quad bikes at Rookin House

Ullswater, Cumbria

Ullswater, Cumbria

Ullswater, Cumbria

Lowther Castle, Cumbria
Lowther Castle

Hartside, Cumbria

Hartside Summit, Cumbria
Hartside Summit (575 m.)

Vale of Eden, Cumbria
Vale of Eden, Cumbria

The Filling Station cafe, Keswick, Cumbria
The Filling Station cafe, Keswick