Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Active 2022 to all my Friends and Followers
Christmas 2021 is here at last. Time for festive cheer, entertainment, maybe some cautious looking forward, and (again) hoping for a better year ahead.
2021 hasn’t only been about vaccinations, sore noses and reclaiming territory lost to Covid; I’ve very much enjoyed my few short trips to Marseille this year, each snatched in full view of the watchful eyes of the ogre of Travel Restrictions.
But - and this is new for 2021 - I’ve been kept busy setting up the little bungalow I’ve inherited at the foot of the fells that surround the lovely Lake District town of Keswick; its wonderful but ever-so-rapidly-growing garden has kept me particularly busy.
If you have been reading and liking my photography and this blog in 2021, thank you.