The wet days are back with us in Keswick and the cloud forest growth season continues. Snipping is not enough. Previous efforts at untangling this garden resulted in a two car loads of fifteen bags of cuttings plus two fabric bins, all to be taken to the council tip; that’s as well as filling the green bin the Allerdale council lorry collects once a fortnight.
It seemed a good idea to hire a skip to make more progress. Friends suggested a garden shredder and indeed a big electric shredder plus the safety equipment (PPE) worked out as much the same cost as one skip hire. The ear defenders plus the visor put one in a happy place, very focussed.
The Lost Garden is beginning to show through, revealing the views of Latrigg and Skiddaw; new flowers are still unfurling and continue to surprise and delight. The wildlife is appreciating the opening up of the habitat, enjoying the new space, contrary to the protestations of one of the neighbours who seems to think that the birds and other wildlife are best served by leaving nature to rewild. As it turns out, the number and variety of birds here is increasing as well.
The shredder munches almost all the branches so far as well as the twigs and leaves; that heap of cuttings was reduced to four or five box loads of chippings - a good result.